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Use Synonyms to Vary Word Choices

In this worksheet, students will choose from a range of words with similar meanings to add variety and interest to their writing.

'Use Synonyms to Vary Word Choices' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 3

Year:  Year 8 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing

Curriculum subtopic:   Use Growing Knowledge to Support Writing

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In a piece of text, there are a variety of different ways to describe how somebody speaks, walks or behaves.


If you want to describe how a character walks, you could choose from synonyms such as ramble, trek, hie, plod, tiptoe, wander, patrol, stride, march, move, proceed, amble, saunter, traipse, ambulate, hobble, stagger, mosey, limp, tramp, stumble and stalk.


Synonyms are words or phrases that have the same meaning or almost the same meaning as one another.


Two cartoon boys walking along.


Rather than writing:

Craig walked into the restaurant.


You could write:

Craig tiptoed into the restaurant.


Craig strode into the restaurant.


Do you see how it can completely change the meaning of a sentence?

woman thinking


Now, let's see how confident you are with synonyms!

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