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Read and Compare Data in a Bar Graph

In this worksheet, students will read and compare data in a bar chart.

'Read and Compare Data in a Bar Graph' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Statistics

Curriculum subtopic:   Compare Data Using Charts and Graphs

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

In this activity, we're going to be practising reading and comparing information in a selection of bar graphs.


Here is a bar graph showing the favourite subjects of a group of children:


bar graph


What this graph is telling us:

- The range of subjects

- The number of children who liked each subject best (at the end of each bar)

- We have two labels to tell us what the information is representing (subjects and number of children)


Tip:  The total number is not usually included - we need to use the scale to read this information.  However, in this graph the total number for each subject has been included.


children thinking


Let's look at a typical question that we might be asked about this bar graph:



How many more children like maths than English?



We find the bar for maths and read the total and do the same for English.

Maths = 10 children

English = 6 children

Subtract 6 from 10 to find the answer.

Four more children prefer maths.


Top Tip:  Check the scale on graphs - they do not always increase in ones.


girl thinking


Good luck with the following questions.

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