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Understanding Different Timetables using the 12-hour format

In this worksheet, students will be introduced to the concept of reading a variety of timetables. This activity will ask them to answer using the 12-hour format.

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'Understanding Different Timetables using the 12-hour format' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 Maths worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Exam-style Questions: SATs Maths

Curriculum subtopic:   Exam-Style Questions: Reading Timetables

Popular topics:   Time worksheets

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Great job, you have decided to spend some time practising for the SATs Maths test.

This activity will help you to learn how to read timetables using the 12-hour format.


What is the 12-hour format?


The 12-hour clock runs from 1am to 12 noon and then from 1pm to midnight.

The timetable below, which shows when The Tower of London is open uses the 12-hour format.


Opening Times for the Tower of London



Use the timetable to answer this question:


How long is the Tower of London open for on Tuesdays?

Count on from 10 am to 7:30 pm. A number line like this can help you to make jumps.

Answer = Add together the total number of hours counted on.

Answer = 9 hours and 30 minutes


Over to you now to have a go at answering some practice questions!


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