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Use Subordinating Conjunctions to Join Sentences

In this worksheet, students will practise adding subordinating conjunctions, selecting the best fit for the sentence.

'Use Subordinating Conjunctions to Join Sentences ' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Vocabulary, Grammar and Punctuation

Curriculum subtopic:   Subordination Awareness

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Have you heard about subordinating conjunctions?

Subordinating conjunctions are like magic words that connect your stories, like tiny bridges, showing which one happened first, why something happened, or even if something might happen!


Think of it like this:


Story 1: The dog chased the ball.


Story 2: The ball bounced into the bushes.


Without a bridge, we don't know which story happened first. But with a subordinating conjunction, we can connect them:


The dog chased the ball until it bounced into the bushes. (Until shows that the second story happened after the first.)


puppy with ball


Subordinating conjunctions make your sentences smoother and more interesting. They also help you to explain things better, just like showing why the dog chased the ball (because it wanted to play!).


a bridge


Here are some other bridge-building jobs they do:

Because: Explains why something happened (e.g., I ate ice cream because it was hot.)


If: Shows something might happen depending on another thing (e.g., If you eat your vegetables, you can have dessert.)


While: Tells us that two things are happening at the same time (e.g., She sang while I played the piano.)


After: Shows something happened later than another thing (e.g., After we cleaned the room, we could play outside.)


So, the next time you want to tell a longer, more exciting story with your words, remember these magic bridge-building words called subordinating conjunctions! They'll help you make your sentences shine!


colourful gems


Let's look for some of these magic words now!

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