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Assessment: Back-to-school

In this test, students will be assessed on the full range of topics from the National Curriculum which they should have learnt last year. Upon completion, a detailed report will be generated showing their current areas of mastery and those in need of development for them to successfully catch up in preparation to enter Year 4.

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'Assessment: Back-to-school' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 4 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Catch-up Assessments

Curriculum subtopic:   Back-to-school

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

(Before we get started, we'd like to recommend that you complete this assessment on the web for the best experience... now, back to the important stuff!)


Hi there!

Not quite sure where you’re at in your school journey at the moment?  Don’t panic, we're here to help!


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At EdPlace, our fully qualified subject teachers have created catch-up assessments in English, maths and science to help you gain a clear understanding of what you really mastered last year and where you could do with a bit more practice.


English icon     Maths icon     Science icon


After completing this assessment, we’ll provide you with a report on the different National Curriculum skills you need to brush up on or learn more about. (If you're a parent and want to learn more about this report or see a sample, click here.)


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But how do you know, what you should know?  Our teachers have written hundreds of short activities organised by National Curriculum skills to help you practise and ensure you’re working smart!  You can access some of these activities if you have a free EdPlace account, or all of them if you have a full account. 


This assessment aims to give you a good idea of how you're doing, so you may not be tested on absolutely everything in one go, but it will test all the major skills you should have covered in school last year.


How long you take to complete your work is always important - it needs to be long enough to do your best work, but not so long that you are still sitting in the classroom when everyone else has finished!  In this assessment, we'll track how long you're taking and include this information in your report, but you'll never be forced to move on before you're ready so take all the time you need to show what you know.


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From there, all your parent, teacher or tutor needs to do is to assign the topic areas highlighted in the report into your account and you can get practising right away! 


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What’s more, all questions in our assessments and activities are accompanied by an explanation, written by a fully qualified teacher, in order to help you understand those tricky topics better.  If you get a question wrong, the explanation will automatically appear for you. If you get the answer correct but want to see what our teachers have to say… you can do that too!


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Sounds easy?  It really is!

And the good news is, you can re-do this assessment at any time to see how you’re progressing. All our catch-up assessments are dynamic and will change each time you complete them, meaning you will always get an accurate picture of your current level of understanding.


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Good luck!


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What is EdPlace?

We're your National Curriculum aligned online education content provider helping each child succeed in English, maths and science from year 1 to GCSE. With an EdPlace account you’ll be able to track and measure progress, helping each child achieve their best. We build confidence and attainment by personalising each child’s learning at a level that suits them.

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