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Identify Active and Passive Voice

In this worksheet, students will be asked to complete a variety of SATs style questions in the form of practice exam questions based on the subject of the active and passive voice.

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'Identify Active and Passive Voice' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 6 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Exam-Style Questions: SATs English

Curriculum subtopic:   Exam-Style Questions: Spellings

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Welcome to this SPAG practice activity!


In this activity, we will practise how to use the active and passive voice correctly.

Questions about the active and passive voice will be found in SATs SPAG Paper 2.


What are the active and passive voice?


When the subject in a sentence is performing the action, we say it is written in the active voice.

When the subject of a sentence has something done to it by something or someone, we say it is written in the passive voice.


Example 1:

The king was eating a peanut butter sandwich.

This is an active sentence as the subject (the king) is tucking into his peanut butter sandwich.




Example 2:

The peanut butter sandwich was being eaten by the king.

This is a passive sentence as the subject (the peanut butter sandwich) is 'passively' having something done to it...it's being eaten!


It is important that you can use the active and passive voice correctly as it provides you with a way of varying your sentence structure and making your writing more interesting!


Ready to put this into practice?  Let's go...

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