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Discover Facts About the Seasons

In this worksheet, students will learn facts about each season and apply them to learn about the different weather in each season.

'Discover Facts About the Seasons' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 1 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Seasonal Changes

Curriculum subtopic:   Changes in the Four Seasons

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Are you ready to become a season superstar?


golden star


In this activity, we will be looking at the seasons, what weather happens in each one and when each season takes place.


Let’s refresh what we know!

In the UK, we get all sorts of weather like rain, sunshine, thunder, lightning, wind and snow or frost.

Thankfully, we don’t get all of this weather at once! (usually!)


Look at the picture below and then read to find out more about the seasons!

season wheel


You can come back to this picture later to help you.


In the spring, the weather is a little of everything, sunny and cold and a bit of rain, and we get more daylight.

Plants such as daffodils and crocuses pop out of the ground because there is enough sunshine and chicks, lambs and bunnies are born.


lambs in field with sheep


In the summer, the weather is much warmer. We have lots of lovely sunshine and there’s usually less rain.

Trees will bear fruit in summer, ready for picking, such as raspberries and strawberries - yum!


sunny blue sky flowers


In the autumn, the weather turns colder, with temperatures dropping. We get more wind and more rain than the last two seasons and the days get a bit shorter, with fewer hours of  daylight.

Trees lose their leaves and flowers begin to die off as the weather gets colder - there is not enough sunlight for them.    


autumn leaves in forest


Finally we get to winter. This is the coldest season when we might get snow or ice, as well as a lot of rain and wind. There’s a lot less daylight as well, making it a bit colder too. Many trees have no leaves and some animals will hibernate - this means sleep all through winter - because it is too cold for them and they can’t find food to eat!


hibernating bear


Each season lasts about three months, like this:


Spring - March, April, May

Summer - June, July, August

Autumn - September, October, November

Winter - December, January, February


Now let’s get to practising our super season knowledge!

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