What do you call a bear stuck in the rain?
A drizzly bear!
(Get it? Like grizzly bear? It is a beary bad joke!)
Wonderful weather!
Our weather is changing all the time and this is because of the atmosphere and the clouds in the sky.
There are lots of types of weather like these below:
What’s your favourite type of weather?
We get most of them all year round in the UK, but some are more common in certain seasons.
The seasons are different times of year when the weather changes and this affects the plants and animals too.
Look at these season wheels:
Here, we can see the most common weather in each month and in that season!
The seasons, like lots of things in nature, happen in a cycle, which means they go around and around, in the same order.
Like the life cycle of a frog, or the seasons cycle!
Fun facts:
In autumn, some animals gather extra food to get them through the cold winter and some animals sleep all the way through the winter because it is too cold for them. This is called hibernating!
In the spring, flowers like crocuses, snowdrops and daffodils pop up out of the ground because the weather gets warmer and they have more sunlight to help them grow!
In the summer, we have the longest day in June, when the UK gets 16+ hours of sunlight!
Unlike in the winter, where the shortest day is in December and the UK gets a tiny 7 hours and 49 minutes - yikes!
Let’s be magical meteorologists today and use what we know about the weather and the seasons to help us solve some problems!