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Use Data to Evaluate and Compare the Seasons

In this worksheet, students will use a data table and images to spot similarities and differences between the seasons.

'Use Data to Evaluate and Compare the Seasons' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 1 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Seasonal Changes

Curriculum subtopic:   Weather, Seasons and Day Length

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Aren’t the seasons great?


In winter, the weather is icy cold and snow falls and in the summer, we have lots of sunshine and long, warm days.


season wheel


What’s your favourite season? Why do you like it?


boys reading and talking


In this activity, we are going to be using what we know about the seasons to compare them. This means we will think about what is the same and what is different about the four seasons.


Can you think of a similarity between autumn and spring?


girl in autumn coat spring girl coat blossom


They are both sunny and cold and get some rain!

Now can you think of what is different about autumn and spring?


girl thinking


There are a few things!


> In autumn, the leaves fall off many trees - this doesn’t happen in any other season.

> In spring, new flowers grow and baby animals are born.


Every season is so different!


Today, we are going to use the fact table below to help us to compare the seasons.


Season Months Temperature Weather Rainfall


March, April, May Warmer less than 15 degrees Sun and rain 20 mm of rain


June, July, August Warmest greater than 20 degrees Lots of sun, little rain Less than 5 mm
Autumn September, October, November Cooler less than 12 degrees Less sun, more rain 40 mm of rain


December, January, February  Coldest less than 5 degrees Little sun, lots of rain (and sometimes snow!) 75 mm of rain

Let’s try one together.

Look at the column that says rainfall.

Which season has the least rainfall? That means very little rain.

Did you spot it?

Summer has the least rainfall. It says that less than 5 mm of rain falls each month in summer - that’s hardly anything!


Don't forget, you can come back to this table any time to check your answers!


Or you could challenge yourself and use what you know about the seasons, to try and solve the questions with your own knowledge!


Let's go!

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