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Recognise and Name Plants and Animals

In this worksheet, students will practise recognising and naming familiar plants and animals, as well as linking them to their habitats.

'Recognise and Name Plants and Animals' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Living Things and Their Habitats

Curriculum subtopic:   Habitats and Micro-habitats

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Hey, do you want to be an explorer?


boy explorer magnifying glass


Learning about different animals and plants is a great way to learn more about the world!


Different animals and plants are all around us and help humans in many ways.


Plants like oak trees or apple trees give us clean air to breathe and yummy apples to eat!


apple tree pointing arrow

Animals like worms keep the soil healthy, so we can grow vegetables, and sparrows eat the cheeky bugs that try to eat our growing fruits and vegetables!


large earthworm in soil leaf litter


Nature works together and in this activity we are going to look at different animals and plants and where they live.


Look at this picture below. How many amazing animals and plants can you see here?


mountain forest woodland eco system animals

They all have a different job and live in a different, special place that works for them - even the ones underground! (Did you spot that mole sleeping?)


Some animals live by water, near a pond or the seashore:


pond and river ecosystem


Some animals live in woodland, high in the trees, or buried under a log or leaf litter:


little woodland mouse in forest mushrooms in leaf litter


And some animals live far out into the ocean, away from humans:


ocean habitat and animals


These are many different animals in different habitats!

Look closely today and think, would I find this animal or plant here?

Let's go, explorer!


girl exploring globe

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