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Year 8 Reading Comprehension Worksheets

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Our year 8 reading comprehension worksheets will help your child`s reading and continue to strengthen their literacy level. Reading should aid in building their vocabulary and their grasp of grammatical rules within English - with support from our worksheets, your child should be a proficient reader and begin to understand the different layers of meaning within texts, such as subtext and recurring themes.

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Learn about year 8 reading comprehension

Students should be capable of reading a lengthier novel and some classical literature. Year 8 English comprehension worksheets help your child transition to a broader selection of writing, including fiction and nonfiction texts, as well as comprehending that there are different genres and styles of writing. Students should also be able to read and comprehend other forms of writing, such as plays, poems, or basic newspaper articles through our reading comprehension worksheets. They’ll also begin comparing texts, using their critical abilities to contrast short extracts from texts or simple poems, understanding their differences and the effect these differences have on a reader. In year 8, students develop their critical understanding further, demonstrated by answering questions surrounding their comprehension of a text and its meaning. They should be able to argue effectively about the author`s intention and the impact a piece of writing may have on a reader, and our year 8 comprehension worksheets can help to improve their understanding of the topics surrounding this.

Our year 8 comprehension worksheets are designed for students to demonstrate and further their understanding of texts, including classical plays, poems, and story extracts. Your child will do this through multiple choice questions, short written answers and other means to help them solidify their learnings. Questions are designed to show that your child understands the story, argument, or meaning of a text and the techniques deployed by the writer to convey this. Student`s understanding of the work forms the foundation on which critical text comparisons can be made.


Year 8 students may make critical comparisons of poems that share similar themes, demonstrating that they can infer tone, atmosphere, or basic subtext from a writer`s choice of descriptive and evocative language. They’ll also become capable of understanding basic literary techniques like similes and metaphors. Students will be encouraged to read widely for pleasure and also to understand how different styles of writing affect readers. After they finish texts, students may also be asked about their general comprehension of the overall text.

In year 8, your child should learn that texts can be compared and contrasted with one another. Using extracts from classical books like Bram Stoker`s Dracula and Mary Shelley`s Frankenstein, your child can demonstrate their comprehension by comparing each author`s approach to characterisation and how it impacts the reader`s impression and connection to the story, as well as understand that writing can be placed within context; for instance, by examining the author`s period within history and how it affects how the piece is read today.


Your child should become capable of understanding meaning through author’s word choices and basic techniques like similes and metaphors. In non-fiction texts, they’ll learn how to separate fact from opinion and see how a writer may use facts to strengthen their argument.

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