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Year 9 Year 9 Reading Comprehension Worksheets

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With our year 9 reading comprehension worksheets, your child moves beyond reading purely to build their literacy level. Reading should be undertaken for pleasure and also understood as an opportunity to critically engage with a writer`s methodology, as well as understand meaning within the text. Their grammar and vocabulary should be well established by this stage, and they should be able to read complex writing at length, something our year 9 English comprehension worksheets can help to develop. After undertaking our reading comprehension worksheets, they’ll be capable of forming opinions on writing which critically assesses their strengths and weaknesses.

Learn about year 9 reading comprehension

Year 9 students will be encouraged to read widely, including fiction and non-fiction texts as well as different writing genres and styles. Our year 9 reading comprehension worksheets will help them begin to read with a critical eye, learning to analyse texts and create cohesive and sustained arguments based on their understanding. In year 9, students further develop their critical abilities which will be demonstrated by writing essays based on the themes or techniques an author uses within literary works.


Alongside this, your child should also be able to read and appreciate poetic texts and techniques. They’ll be capable of deciphering and comprehending the techniques a poet uses within their work and utilise the correct terminology when identifying poetic conventions. Students should be able to extract meaning from reading poetry as a literary device, and analyse them through close reading and argument.

Students should continue developing their ability to compare and contrast two texts of similar styles through our year 9 comprehension worksheets. For instance, they may be asked to analyse two poems by separate authors on a similar theme, or two poems by the same poet.


Your child should be able to read a poem and analyse the poet`s techniques and the intended impact upon a reader. They’ll be capable of identifying the form and rhythm of a poem, as well as how the poet employs word choice techniques like alliteration and onomatopoeia to convey meaning or emotion to a reader, that extends beyond the words` literal definitions. In year 9, students are expected to identify subtext within the poetry and discuss its impact at length.

By year 9, students should be able to read literature as part of the curriculum`s classic texts, such as the plays of William Shakespeare or Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, amongst others. Students should be able to fully understand the plot, characterisation, and themes of these texts. Your child will also be expected to read non-fiction texts such as memoirs and biographies, or critical argumentative essays helped by our year 9 comprehension worksheets.


They’ll be expected to understand the different techniques used throughout texts and assess their effects on the reader. They should be able to back up their arguments with analysis of the work and a clear understanding of the set, plot, and characterisation within texts. A student may be asked to read two persuasive non-fiction essays with contrasting views on a topic. They should detach from the arguments and view the language`s effectiveness to persuade a reader. They should contrast the different essay`s arguments and come to thought through and reasoned conclusions.


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