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Write a Set of Instructions

In this worksheet, students will have a go at writing a set of instructions.

'Write a Set of Instructions' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 2

Year:  Year 3 English worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Writing: Composition

Curriculum subtopic:   Assess and Improve Structure

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

When we want to know how to do something, we often need to follow a set of instructions.  


Written instructions contain certain features that allow the reader to follow them easily.  Read the instructions below to begin to identify the features of this text type.


seedlings in pots


How to plant a seed

Would you like to grow some beautiful flowers or delicious vegetables?  Follow these instructions and you'll soon have a healthy plant to admire and enjoy!


You will need:

-  A seed

-  A small plant pot

-  Compost

-   A watering can and water

-  Space on a sunny windowsill



1. First, fill your plant pot with compost almost to the top.

2. Next, use your finger to poke a small dip, about 1 cm deep, in the compost and gently place a seed in it.

3.  Cover the seed with compost and carefully pat it down.

4.  Use your watering can to pour water on the compost until it is moist but not soaking wet.

5.  Place your pot on a sunny windowsill.

6.  Over the next few weeks, keep an eye on your seed and water it every day or so.  Don't let the compost get too dry!

7.  Finally, once your plant has a few leaves and has grown tall and strong, you can plant it outside.


Enjoy your beautiful blooms and tasty vegetables!


plant in a pot


This set of instructions sets out everything the reader needs to do in logical steps. 


In this activity, we're going to have a go at writing our own set of instructions. 

You can return to the example on this page at any time by pressing the red help button on the screen.


girl on computer


Ready?  Let's go!

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