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Understand the Changing of the Seasons and the Weather

In this worksheet, students will practise matching the correct weather to the corresponding seasons.

'Understand the Changing of the Seasons and the Weather' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 1 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Seasonal Changes

Curriculum subtopic:   Changes in the Four Seasons

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

What happens when winter arrives?...Autumn leaves!


boy playing with autumn leaves

Get it?! Autumn - leaves?

Ahem, sorry, we won’t try any more jokes. For now…


Every year we have four seasons and each season lasts about three months.


They are:

Spring - March, April, May

Summer - June, July, August

Autumn - September, October, November

Winter - December, January, February


In every season, the weather is different!

Look at the picture below and think about how you have seen the weather change.


season wheel


In the winter, the weather is much colder and we have less daylight, so the days are shorter too. Trees lose their leaves and some plants stay underground until the warmer weather comes.

In the spring, the days slowly get longer, with more daylight. Animals like baby chicks hatch and bunnies are born. The temperature gets a bit warmer. The plants begin to pop out of the ground and trees will begin to grow leaves and buds.

In summer, the buds from spring will open into flowers and begin to fruit. There is lots of daylight in the summer and it is much warmer, with very little rain. Fruits like apples, strawberries and blackberries ripen and are ready to be picked and eaten!

Once the fruit ripens and falls, we approach the autumn (in the United States, they call it fall - can you guess why?). The leaves turn brown and gold and begin to fall off the trees in preparation for winter. The weather gets colder in temperature and more rain falls.


The days get shorter with less daylight as nature prepares for winter again!


children building a snowman

In this activity, we will practise remembering the names of each season, what the weather is like and the order of the seasons.

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