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Understand the Weather and How the Seasons Change

In this worksheet, students will apply the facts they have learnt to correctly identify seasons and the weather that occurs in each one.

'Understand the Weather and How the Seasons Change' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 1 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Seasonal Changes

Curriculum subtopic:   Changes in the Four Seasons

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Ever felt the warm sun on your face?


sun holding hands


Or got soaked through from a sudden downpour?


girl happy in the rain

This is all because of the weather!

The weather changes because of what is happening in the sky and clouds right now.

We can have rain, sun, thunder and lightning, wind and even snow! If you’re really lucky, you might even see a rainbow!


rainbow on mountain


In the UK, there is different weather all year round. Depending on the season, the weather will be different and things in nature like plants, trees and animals, will act differently, depending on the season.

Let’s recap.



December, January, February 


Fewer daylight hours


Animals hibernate (sleep through winter) and don’t come out much

Plants don’t flower, but stay warm underground


snowy winter road



March, April, May

More sun and some rain and wind

Flowers pop out of the ground

Animals come out of hibernation

Trees grow buds, ready for summer


field of daffodils



June, July, August

Lots of sun and daylight hours

Very warm, less rain and wind

Trees bloom and grow fruits

Plants bear their fruits (this means the fruit is ripe and ready), like strawberries, raspberries and lots more!


sunny blue sky sunflower field



September, October, November

Some trees' leaves turn brown, red and gold and they fall off

Colder and wetter weather

More wind

Fewer daylight hours


golden yellow autumn scene


These seasons happen in the same order, every year and they just go round and round - don’t forget this!


Did you know that the trees that lose their leaves are called ‘deciduous’ (said dee-sid-yoo-uss), but not all trees do this.

Some will hold onto their leaves all year and they are called ‘evergreens’ because they are ‘forever green!’


evergreen pine tree


In this activity, we will put our knowledge to the test to see what we can remember about the seasons and the weather!

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