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Identify Seasonal Clothes and Outfits

In this worksheet, students will evaluate seasonal clothing items and outfits, to choose the most appropriate for different seasons and weathers.

'Identify Seasonal Clothes and Outfits' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 1 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Seasonal Changes

Curriculum subtopic:   Weather, Seasons and Day Length

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Hmm, what shall I wear today?


girl thinking


cartoon kids wardrobe


...I don’t know, what’s the weather going to be like?


window outside sunny day


Every day the weather is different and all year round the weather is changing, depending on the season.


The Earth spins around the sun and this is why we have the different seasons and weather we experience.

In the autumn and the winter, the Earth is tilted away from the sun, so we get colder and wetter weather with shorter, darker days.


seasons earth spin

In the spring and the summer, the Earth is tilted toward the sun, so we get warmer, sunnier weather, with lighter, longer days.


We have different clothes to wear to help protect us and keep us happy and healthy in the different seasons.


wardrobe outfits

Humans aren’t as lucky as other animals, whose coats of fur or feathers grow thick in the winter to keep them warm! And they shed their hair in the summer to help them keep cool.

Our coats are, well… rain coats!


boy in coat scarf gloves


In the autumn and winter, we need to wear clothes that keep us warm and dry, such as woolly hats, wellington boots, scarves and carry umbrellas.


In the summer, we need to wear clothes that keep us cool and protected from the sun, such as sun hats, t-shirts and sun cream.


girl in sunglasses headband


The twins, Jill and Jesse, need help choosing their outfits for each season. Can you help them?


girl in pink party dress bow boy in spring summer outfit
Jill Jesse


Let’s look at different outfits and decide what season they are best for!

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