Did you know that the Earth is tilted?
Really, it is!
Not only is it tilted, but because of this, we get different weather and seasons every year!
Imagine that Earth is like a giant orange spinning in space, and it's also going around a big circle around the Sun, like a race track.
But wait, the orange isn't perfectly upright - it's tilted a bit on its side!
Throughout the year, as Earth travels on this race track, different parts of the orange get the most sunlight, depending on the tilt.
When the North Pole is tilted towards the Sun, it's summer in the northern hemisphere (where we live).
The sunshine hits the ground more directly, for a longer time each day, making our days warmer and longer.
That's why we can play outside for so much longer in the summer!
But a few months later, Earth travels further on the race track, and the South Pole is tilted towards the Sun.
In the northern hemisphere, where we are, the Sun's rays hit at an angle, for a shorter time each day.
That's why it gets colder and the days become shorter in winter. We need to wear jackets or stay cosy inside!
So, the changing tilt of our giant, spinning orange Earth is what gives us hot summers and cool winters, with long days for playing and short days for cosy nights!
Let's use these facts to help us answer the questions in this activity!