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Understand the Importance of Sleep for Being Healthy

In this worksheet, students will look at ways of staying healthy through sleep.

'Understand the Importance of Sleep for Being Healthy' worksheet

Key stage:  KS 1

Year:  Year 2 Science worksheets

Curriculum topic:   Animals, including Humans

Curriculum subtopic:   Importance of Exercise, Food and Hygiene

Difficulty level:  

Worksheet Overview

Keeping healthy isn't just about eating the right foods and exercising, but also about getting enough rest and sleep.


man asleep in bed


Without enough sleep, you can struggle to concentrate, can feel really cross one minute and like crying the next, or just like you want to crash out and lie down when everyone else is busy getting on and having fun.




Everyone needs a different amount of sleep and this changes as you grow up. 

As a guide, if you are aged 5-11 years, you should be getting 10-11 hours sleep a night. That means going to bed between 7 and 8 pm every night.


This activity will help you think about sleep!


girl sleeping

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