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EdPlace offers thousands of interactive learning resources from year 1 to GCSE, made accessible for children with SEND. We’re here to help support your child through their learning journey. We understand that finding the type of support your child may need can be daunting.

Mandy, our Head of SEND provides a generalised overview on some of the most common questions when it comes to supporting your child’s education.

Please note: It’s important to remember that each diagnosis is unique to the individual. There are personal, LA and regional differences in diagnostic routes and available interventions.

If you’re concerned your child has symptoms of ADHD,  and you wish to pursue a diagnosis, you should seek professional advice from your GP, Health Visitor or SENCo to ensure you’re referred to the correct services in your area.

ADHD is a medical condition affecting concentration, sleep and the ability to self-regulate levels of alertness.

Below are some points as a synopsis of the route to an ADHD diagnosis, from the ADHD Foundation

  • If you and your GP believe the symptoms are affecting your child’s day-to-day life, your GP should refer you and your child to a specialist for a formal assessment.
  • Investigations into historic and current behaviour patterns are used to diagnose ADHD. This is normally done by your local Child Adolescent Mental Health Service or similar regional service.
  • As a parent, you’ll be asked to complete questionnaires, and in most circumstances, a nominated person at your child’s school will also be asked to complete one too.
  • The questionnaire answers, professional observations and results of formal assessments will conclude whether a diagnosis of ADHD is made.
  • For more specific and specialist advice and information,visit https://www.adhdfoundation.org.uk

    Some behaviour and symptoms that you may see in a child with ADHD:Every individual will have their own unique set of natural abilities, difficulties and experiences within a diagnosis.

    A child with ADHD/ADD may struggle to stay focused or give enough attention to an activity. Concentration will be reduced and they will lose interest quickly. The child’s memory may be affected, and they may seem to daydream a little more than normal.

    A child with ADHD/ADD may be more impulsive and have less patience than average. They can hit out, grab or snatch out of frustration. They often won’t wait for permission before doing something and can interrupt conversations as they struggle to wait for their turn.

    Children with ADHD can get bored easily and can therefore fidget and become restless quickly. Sitting still or being quiet for long periods of time will be extremely difficult. This behaviour can be quite distracting for others, so people with ADHD can become isolated.

    ADHD Superpowers

    People with ADHD all have their own personal attributes and skills on top of ADHD superpowers, such as energy and creativeness! Ensuring that you don’t get stuck on one topic for too long and encouraging you to think outside of the box.

    Additional support

    • In some cases of an ADHD diagnosis, and if appropriate for the individual, you could start the process of applying for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). If awarded one (once you have completed the necessary assessments and process to qualify), you’ll get access to additional support at school for your child. An EHCP is an entitlement to provision, to ensure your child’s school applies interventions and adaptations to the learning environment, so that they’re accessing the curriculum appropriately, and are safe and happy at school.
    • Click on the logo to find out more about EHCPs on the government website.

    • Sometimes medication is given to children to allow the brain to engage in activities for longer periods of time. However, this is something that should be discussed with a medical professional.
    • CBT (Cognitive behavioural therapy) is offered to look at the child’s behaviour and to see if their thought pattern can be changed around the response. Therapy also supports the child’s mental and emotional well-being, which will enable them to become independent, resilient and confident learners.
    • School support should be offered. Speak to your child’s school about rest breaks or a classroom pass to allow your child to have some time out if a task is too long. Work should be differentiated so that the tasks are short and achievable.
    • As their parent, you know your child better than anyone. So, if you know of something that helps your child at home, ensure that all of the people that work with your child at school are aware of it.
    • Having open communication between you and your child’s school is especially important, as you will be co-managing your child’s development and well-being during the school week.

    ADHD symptoms can improve with knowledge of the effects of the diagnosis, a healthy diet, exercise regime and decent sleep patterns. As a parent, you can have the biggest impact. Understanding your child and being supportive in accommodating your child’s differences, will improve the quality of your child’s life and help them reach their potential.

EdPlace educational resources support students with ADHD:

  • Activities last between 10 and 20 minutes, (National average optimum concentration time of students being 14 minutes).
  • 100% curriculum aligned content.
  • The interactive, multiple-choice activities are both engaging and achievable, thus enhancing the students confidence and enjoyment.
  • The visually represented results are fuss-free and easy to read, so that it’s instantly rewarding and satisfying to see progress. Perfect for ADHD students!

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Our advice hub gives practical advice, offers simple strategies to help guide activities, and provide information on different talking points relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Plus we like to throw in a fun SEND focused game or two from time to time - learning can be fun!

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EdPlace resources help students with ADHD

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