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Subtraction Worksheets

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Our subtraction worksheets will help your child navigate one of the most fundamental aspects they’ll need throughout their mathematical studies. We’ve specially designed our range of maths worksheets in alignment with the National Curriculum to keep the subject accessible and entertaining! From our simple subtraction worksheets starting in Key Stage 1 all the way through to Key Stage 3, our subtraction worksheet resources can help support your child throughout the entirety of their school life. Subtraction is an essential skill they’ll need to tackle many topics throughout maths, so it’s important your child can learn in a way that keeps them interested but also solidifies their knowledge in the long term - something we`re proud to say our subtraction worksheets can achieve!

Learn about subtraction worksheets

Our subtraction revision worksheets and other resources including word problems, practice tests and more have all been created to be easily digestible, and introduce topics in such a way that isn’t too overwhelming to learn. Our subtraction worksheets can be used to either supplement in school learning, or as an independent learning activity. These activities are perfect to be used in combination with our other maths topic revision, whether you’re looking for fractions worksheets, algebra worksheets or others; subtraction features heavily throughout maths as a whole, so use our National Curriculum aligned subtraction worksheets below to help your child continue developing their knowledge.

Our Key Stage 1 subtraction worksheets aim to introduce the basic concepts of subtraction and help your child to learn the foundations on which more complex knowledge will be built as they continue their learning. As well as finding missing numbers, subtracting numbers up to 20 are taught as part of our year 1 subtraction worksheets. Furthering this knowledge, your child should then be able to understand more about number bonds. They’ll use their knowledge of subtracting up to 20 to help them start to practice their subtraction up to 100 as they progress onto our year 2 subtraction worksheets.


As they move into our Key Stage 2 subtraction worksheets, your child should be more confident in subtracting simple numbers by heart. In both our year 3 subtraction worksheets and year 4 subtraction worksheets, their knowledge will continue to develop by learning how to subtract 1, 10, 100 and even 1000 from certain numbers. Being able to find halfway between two numbers using subtraction, and subtracting from bigger numbers are both key topics. They’ll also be introduced to a column subtraction worksheet, a slightly different method of working out than they’ll be used to, but one which makes it easier to work with large numbers!


Our year 5 subtraction worksheets introduce adding two large numbers together, and explaining different methods you can use. Knowledge your child will have learned up until now is also tested with some subtraction word problems, giving a new perspective on how questions might be worded in a test. Year 6 subtraction worksheets should help your child improve their mental maths when it comes to subtraction; including some useful tips and tricks along the way!

Our Key Stage 3 subtraction worksheets introduce negative numbers, and how subtraction changes when a negative number is involved. Both our year 7 subtraction worksheets and our year 8 subtraction worksheets also help to recap on all the knowledge your child should have taken in up to that point! One of the key benefits of our subtraction worksheets is their encouragement for your child learning at their own pace, giving them plenty of time to learn and consolidate knowledge before moving on to more complex ideas!

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