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Smash the 11+ exams with EdPlace!

We’re revolutionising 11+ preparation for your child. With an EdPlace account, you’ll have access to non-verbal, spatial and verbal reasoning resources for ages 8-11 tailored to CEM or GL exam boards; plus 11+ specific English and Maths practice. Track and measure your child's exam readiness and build their confidence so they're more than ready to show their skills come test day!

Get ahead of the game with EdPlace's holistic approach

Tailored resources relevant to exam boards CEM and GL

From ABCs - GCSEs, EdPlace is here for the 11+ and beyond

With a learn, practice and test method proven to improve scores and speed

Discreetly progressing your child from year 3 onward to remove 11+ pressures; making learning enjoyable so they feel confident

We're here to help your child smash whatever comes their way! Our students progress 150% across English, maths and science over a school year - now that's genius!

11+ activities, exam-style questions and practice papers

Most GL exams are made up of 4 main sections: English, maths, non-verbal reasoning (which can include spatial reasoning) and verbal reasoning. Some regions may ask your child to complete an additional writing paper, which could be taken into account by some schools. Please check individual school websites to see if this is the case. The verbal reasoning in GL assessment is heavily based on logic and codes with some vocabulary based questions, whereas the verbal reasoning in CEM is purely vocabulary based, without the puzzles and codes.

Our resources are designed to teach skills through our teacher-guided activities and then discreetly test your child with exam-style questions and practice papers. Giving you visibility to their progress.